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Risk Register Preparation

Proactively developing a project-specific Risk Register to identify potential project risks and associated mitigation is a powerful tool in project development.


Fontaine & Nicoloro Consultants brings decades of project development experience in identifying potential risks and successful mitigations.


For a risk register to be functional, it must address the many facets of a project, including safety, permitting, schedule, cost, and public support.


Risks associated with each of these facets must be identified and ranked in order of severity and impact so an overall risk can be defined and associated mitigation arrived upon. 

Multifaceted Approach

We view the risk register as a communication tool for the project team, stakeholders, and senior management. 


It assists in making critical decisions and provides the Owner with an overall perspective of project risk.  The risk register should be updated throughout the lifecycle of a project to continually communicate and manage project risks.

Communication Tool

We understand the challenges in the energy sector having supported projects over several decades. 


This experience has given us insight into contractual, commercial, insurance, technical, and public outreach risks.

Perspective & Experience

Proactively engaging Fontaine & Nicoloro Consultants will help you efficiently manage risk and advance energy infrastructure projects by utilizing and providing you access to our decades of experience and industry contacts.

We are here to assist

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